Guntur: Guntur rural police registered 3,393 cases against drunken drivers and collected a penalty of Rs 59,27,250 during this year. They took initiative to check accidental deaths caused by drunken driving.
The court convicted 971 persons for repeated drunken driving. The police registered more cases against drunken drivers when compared to last year. During 2016, the police registered 898 drunken driving cases and collected a penalty of Rs.8,29,700.
Addressing a press meet here on Saturday, Guntur Rural Superintendent of Police Venkata Appala Naidu said property recovery percentage is 57 per cent. Recovery rate is expected to increase .
He said 45 kidnap cases were registered though minors eloped, they are registered those as kidnap cases after completion of investigation.
Over 316 theft cases were registered, compared to 2016,theft cases were increased in 2017.
The Superintendent of Police said they introduced ‘Mee Tho Mee SP’ to directly interact with the people to know their problems and solve on the spot. The programme evoked good response.