Srikakulam MP K. Rammohan Naidu moved a Private Member Bill on the establishment of a railway zone in Andhra Pradesh, in the Lok Sabha on Friday. By doing so, he brought the long-pending demand of the people of A.P. into sharp focus at a time when the Central government appears to have laid a renewed thrust on fulfilling the promises made at the time of bifurcation.
Raising the issue on the floor of the House, Mr. Naidu reiterated that the new zone should be carved out of the Secunderabad-headquartered South Central Railway zone by merging Waltair, Vijayawada, Guntur and Guntakal divisions while a high-power committee appointed by the Central government continued to examine its feasibility which is essentially linked to taking out Waltair division from the East Coast Railway which is based in Bhubaneswar.
Speaking to media persons, Mr. Naidu hoped that the Bill would come up for discussion and vowed to present a strong case in favour of the exclusive zone for A.P. when that happens. He expressed regret that the proposal was still hanging fire in spite of the existence of a provision for it in the A.P. Reorganisation Act.